Press release of the European project OrganicDataNetwork
Report about the first meeting of the European OrganicDataNetwork project
For the fourth time, the brochure "Organic Farming in Estonia" has been published. It informs about…
Northeast Organic Farmers Association of New York (NOFA-NY) and the US Department of Agriculture’s…
According to provisional data for 2011, compiled by the German Federation of the Organic Food…
The date of the 2nd African Organic Conference (AOC2) ”Mainstreaming organic agriculture in the…
Peruvian economist F. Javier Martinez reports that organic agriculture continued to grow in exports…
The dyanamic data table with the basic data on organic agriculture worldwide: Organic agricultural…
The National Association Serbia Organica has published, together with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für…
A new country report about organic farming in Portugal is now available from Catarina Crisostomo.
At the BioFach Congress, Amarjit Sahota of Organic Monitor presented the current situation of the…
In Bulgaria, considerable growth occurred in organic farming between 2009–2010. The certified land…
Germany is not only the largest market for organic products in Europe but also one of its largest…
Based on data from twelve organic inspection bodies in Germany, the Agricultural Market Information…
The European Union and the United States announced on February 15, 2012, that beginning June 1,…
FiBL and IFOAM are presenting the latest data on organic agriculture worldwide at BioFach in…
At the BioFachCongress 2012 one session will with recent developments in organic agriculture in the…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) has recently released the first…
The United States' Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan announced on October 25, 2011, 23…
On September 21 and 22, 2011, the first Central American Organic Congress and Fair (Primer Congreso…
The 17th Organic World Congress (OWC) of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture…
Swiss institute presents a training manual for Africa
In the Framework of the German Federal Scheme for Organic Farming and other Forms of Sustainable…
The Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) of the Government of Pakistan has…
Young organic and fair trade activists from all over the world have founded Young Organics e.V., a…