One and a half million hectares are under organic agricultural management in Spain. The minister has…
The Canadian Organic Trade Association (COTA, calculates the Canadian…
The Global Agricultural Trade System of the Foreign Agricultural Services (FAS) of USDA now includes…
According to a recent press release of the German Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and the International Federation of Organic…
In a recent press release the Organic Trade Assocation Canada informs about latest developments…
The President of Ukraine vetoed the law on Ukrainian Organic Production that had been passed by the…
In the Czech Republic, in 2010 the organic agricultural land incresaed to almost 450'000 hectares.…
The full proposals of the first call of the CORE Organic II project ( have been…
According to a press release, published at the occassion of the 3104th Council meeting of the…
The Estonian Organic Farming Foundation has recently published a brochure on organic farming in…
The European Commission has annouced that the European Union and Canada have reached agreement on an…
To operate successfully in importing organic products to Switzerland and the European Union, it is…
According to Organic Market Info 170-page study entitled "Japanese Organic Market 2010-2011" has…
FiBL has now published a revised version of its background information on E. coli.
In May 2011, the Belize Organic Alliance (BOA) completed the first organic certification process for…
There has been much speculation about the pathogenic EHEC bacterial strain that has claimed the…
In November 2010, Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooepration Agency ( appro…
On the occasion of the extraordinary meeting of the Agriculture Council the IFOAM EU Group (www.ifoa…
At a press conference on May 19, 2011, Agence Bio, the Frnch Agency for organic agriculture,…
Interest in pushing for the development of ecological based farming in Africa led some key…
Slides on the results from the FiBL and IFOAM survey as published in The World of Organic…
UNCTAD and UNEP have released two excellent advocacy tools for encouraging the uptake of organic and…
The Organic Standard (TOS, has published The Organic Certification…
The Organic Exchange organization, which has operated as an information platform for organic…