The publication of a new meta-analysis by researchers at Stanford University (Smith-Spangler et al.…
France can be pleased with the steady growth of its organic agriculture. It occupies the fourth…
This first organic sector study for Saudi Arabia offers an overview of a young but steadily growing…
From 24 to 26 September 2012 the Organic Days were held in Larnaca on Cyprus. One of the conference…
The Finish Food Safety Authority Evira has recently published the latest figures on organic…
The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture has recently released the latest data on organic agriculture in…
Over 180 participants from more than 40 countries gathered to discuss the current state of organic…
Two independent organizations will maintain separate missions dedicated to advancing organic
Tomas Nørfelt Fibiger of the Danish Agricultural Advisory Service DLBR has recently updated his…
The German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Proptecteion BMELV has recently updated its…
According to a recent report on the oneco website, a major increase of the organic area and market…
For the first time the update on production in Argentina is available also in English.
In the first six months of 2012 the organic area in France surpassed the one million hectare mark.…
The latest national statistics for the United Kingdom, produced by the Department for Environment,…
On June 1st, 2012, leaders of the organic movements in Asia agreed on the formation of a regional…
Recently the Swiss organic umbrella organisation Bio Suisse released the latest data on the Swiss…
Blog by Urs Niggli, director of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Switzerland.…
Twenty years on from the original Earth Summit, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture…
The Second African Organic Conference (AOC2) ”Mainstreaming organic agriculture in the African…
New study on support of organic farming in the European Union published
Global sales of organic products continue to defy the economic downturn, growing in 2010 and with…
Albania’s organic sector is still nascent, but is developing most dynamically. The Research…
All slide presentations on organic agriculture worldwide 2010 are now ready.
The OrganicDataNetwork project, which was recently launched, has now started a survey about data…
Organic Trade Association’s 2012 Organic Industry Survey shows continued growth