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IFOAM Asia founded

On June 1st, 2012, leaders of the organic movements in Asia agreed on the formation of a regional organic alliance in Asia.

Picture: Participants at the IFOAM Asia prepartory meeting on June 1, 2012

Participants at the IFOAM Asia prepartory meeting on June 1, 2012

On June 1st, 2012, after a 2-day discussion in the Republic of Korea, 18 leaders of the organic movements in Asia from 13 countries agreed on the formation of a regional organic alliance in Asia.

It was decided that the regional body will be under the umbrella of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and to be known as "IFOAM Asia".

The mission of IFOAM Asia is to nurture and represent the organic movement in Asia in its full diversity. IFOAM Asia will work in synergy alongside Global IFOAM with a common vision to more effectively further the organic movement in Asia. It is a non-profit and membership-based organization, open to all IFOAM affiliates and other stakeholders of Organic Agriculture in Asia.

More information


  • Jennifer Chang, Interim Coordinator of IFOAM Asia, Interim secretariat of IFOAM Asia in South Korea
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