On February 12, 2015, partners of the OrganicDataNetweork prsented the latest data on organic…
The presentations at the session "The World of Organic Agriculture" are now online and can be…
The latest global data on organic farming will be presented by IFOAM – Organics International and…
In 2013, the European organic market grew by approximately six percent to a value of more than 24…
The session on global organic farming and market trends will take place place from 2 pm to 2.45 pm,…
The Sustainable Society Index (SSI) shows at a glance the level of sustainability of 151 countries.…
The Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research of TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of…
A workshop of the Technology Innovation Platform of the International Federation of Organic…
The second European Workshop on “finding practical solutions to current organic market data…
In 2013, 6.4 % of the German agricultural land was organically farmed, marking a 2 % increase over…
In the largest study of its kind, an international team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK,…
A new country report about organic farming in Lithuania is available at the Organic-Europe.net …
The Soil Association’s annual Organic Market Report reveals that the organic sector has seen growth…
Since 2009/2010, the import volumes to Germany have increased for many arable crops and dairy …
After a breather in 2012, the Danish organic food market has grown again in 2013. Consumers spent 6%…
Recently the 2013 edition of yearbook "Organic farming in Estonia" was published by the Estonian…
The 4th Latin American Congress on agroecology took place September 10 to 12, 2013 at the University…
The Argentinian competent authority SENASA has recently the latest data (per December 31, 2013) on…
On March 12, 2014, the European Union responded to the request made by Chile to be included in the…
The latest figures for the Swiss organic market (from 2013), recently presented by Bio Suisse (www.b…
A recent report from Organic-Market info about the latest edition of the FiBL-IFOAM survey on…
The UK Government can learn lessons from other European countries in how it stalls the declining…
In 2013, the French organic market continued to grow. The French organic market has doubled in 5…
On 25 March, the European Commission published a legislative proposal for a new organic food and…
The dynamic datatable with three key indicators on organic agriculture worldwide is now online for…