On February 2014, TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of the International Federation of…
On February 14, 2014, the BIOFACH Science Day took place for the second time. Science Day was a…
This publication provides an overview of developments and future prospects from the perspective of…
On February 2014, on Science Day at BIOFACH, TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of the…
Organic 3.0 – the future of organic – is on the agenda at BIOFACH 2014. 1.9 million certified…
In 2012 the European organic market grew by approximately six percent to a value of almost EUR 23…
At BIOFACH 2014 in Nuremberg, Germany, a number of sessions with information on organic farming…
Science Day will be held for the second time at BioFach, the World Organic Trade Fair in Nuremberg,…
Recently the OrganicDataNetwork project issued its statement on data collection and made a number of…
The 3rd issue of the OrganicDataNetwork newsletter contains some important news about progress made…
Report on the status of organic farming in Europe 2011, prepared by the Directorate General of…
In 2012, German organic farmers increased their sales revenues by 12 percent (to 1.53 billion…
Media release of Oktober 18, 2013 of the OrganicDataNetwork project
According to Statistics Sweden (SBC), organic products accounted for about 4 percent of all sales of…
Recently the UNCTAD Trade and Environment Review 2013 was launched. At a press conference in the…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, in collaboration with the and the International…
After several years of decline since 2008 due to the recession, the organic market in the UK is…
In 2012, in Denmark the organic market has remained stable compared with 2011; it is now at 885…
Data on the organic and operators are provided by the Italian Information system for organic farming…
"Sharing achievements made and lessons learned" was the theme of the conference, which was held in…
The New Zealand Organic Market Report 2012 is the latest in a series of reports quantifying and…
A number of reports from the OrganicDataNetwork Project are now available online at the Organic…
Members of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) met in the Republic…
The international conference on organic agriculture in the Mediterranean will be held from the 2nd…