Survey results from 14 sustainability standards across nine commodity areas show new statistics and…
FiBL has prepared three presentations summarizing the key results of the FiBL-IFOAM survey on…
The 2016 Organic Market Report was launched on 23 February showing that the UK organic market…
A team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that both organic milk and meat contain…
Organic agriculture is practiced in 172 countries, and 43.7 million hectares of agricultural land…
In 2014, the European organic market grew by approximately 7.6 percent to a value of more than 26…
The latest global data on organic farming will be presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
The session on global organic farming and market trends took place place on February 10, 2016, in at…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) presented the first results of its survey on…
In August 2015, we started our 17th survey on organic agriculture worldwide.
The new questionnaire…
Organic farming and organic consumption is increasing in France. Between January-July 2015, the…
The interactive data tables on key indicators and on crops worldwide are now online. Data on…
Acording to the latest data released by statistics Denmark, the organic market is now at 830 Million…
With its new specialized Twitter account @FiBLStatistics, the Research Institute of Organic…
The Soil Association’s 2015 Organic Market Report reveals sales of organic products increased by 4%…
The key data on organic agriculture in Europe are now available at
A number of statistical updates on the U.S. organic sector related have recently been released or…
The organic company Organic and Beyond has also translated the 2014 edition of "The World of Organic…
The European project "Data network for better European organic market information"…
Germany is not only the largest market for organic products in Europe but also one of its largest…
There are 3 presentations summarizing the key results of the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic…