Some 43'500 trade visitors (2009: 46'777) streamed into the exhibition centre in Nürnberg from 17–20…
FiBL and IFOAM present new facts and figures about organic agriculture world-wide at the BioFach…
On February 8, 2010, the European Commission officially announced the winner of the EU organic logo…
In Italy, a technology platform for organic was founded on January 19, 2010 in Rome, at the premises…
The congress parallel to BioFach and Vivaness from February 17–20, 2010, offers a comprehensive…
A Desk for Organic Agriculture has been established in the Ministry of Agriculture. This is reported…
According to the latest FiBL/IFOAM survey at least 150'000 hectares of organic grapes are grown…
At the BioFach Congress 2010, the latest figures on organic agriculture world-wide will be…
The German Federation of the Organic Food Industry BOELW has recently published the latest market…
At the regional collaboration meeting held on November 19, 2009 in Seoul, South Korea, a data…
The first edition of 'Organic Agriculture' will be published in spring 2010 by Springer. It is the…
According to Urs Niggli, Director of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and member…
Local inspection services for organic certification are now available in Uzbekistan. In cooperation…
The European Commission has published the call for applications regarding the expert group for…
Climate change directly influences food production and food security. To address these new…
At the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, the farmers' organisations are calling for…
Copenhagen Climate Summit: FiBL calls for worldwide promotion of organic farming
According to the homepage of the Copenhagen Summit, sustainability is one of the main focal points…
Over 3400 students from all 27 EU Member States participated in the EU organic logo competition. Out…
Agriculture must use fewer inputs and consider climate and biodiversity say experts on the 2nd…
According to new research from the Soil Association at least 3.2 million tonnes of carbon would be…
The first newsletter of the LowInputBreeds is now available at the LowInputBreeds website.
A Power Point presentation with graphs and explanatory notes on the current status of organic…
According to AMA-Marketing, presently 3 percent of the apples are grown organically in Austria,…
The European Commission will soon publish a call for applications with a view to appointing members…