The new FAO Glossary on Organic Agriculture contains 401 concepts with synonyms, variants,…
In a recent press release BioFach informs about current market trends. FiBL provided some of the…
IFOAM EU Group organises its second Organic Congress to bring this time to the attention the…
The International Coffee Organisation has compiled the latest export data on organic coffee and…
The Technology Platform TP Organics has reached major achievements in the first half year 2009 on…
More than 300 participants made their way to El Salvador to the Fourth meeting of the organic sector…
A large-scale project which aims to improve animal health and product quality in European organic…
In its 2008 Annual Report, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM…
The Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States Department of Agriculture has recently…
The IFOAM database on Participatory Guarantee Systems for Organic Agriculture (PGS) intends to help…
The Autonomous University of Chapingo is organising several seminars for government officials and…
The proposed Organic Research Centres Alliance ORCA intends to internationally network and…
The symposium ’Soil Fertility and Crop Nutrition Management in Mediterranean Organic Agriculture’…
The government of Pakistan has planned to initiate 'National Programme for the Promotion of Organic…
In August 2009, the conference "Forstering healthy food systems through organic agriculture - Focus…
During the 1st African Organic Conference held in Kampala, Uganda, a one day workshop was held on…
Although the organic sector in Ukraine had been exclusively export oriented, since the beginning of…
About 200 participants from 22 countries (the majority in Eastern Europe) came to the second…
The Kenya organic domestic market is growing fast. A recent study of the Kenya Organic Agriculture…
According to the latest data, in Italy more than one million hectares are under organic management…
Trevor Sargent, the Irish Minister for Food and Horticulture at the Department of Agriculture,…
A recent report informs about the organic production and export potential in the the Republic of…
Total sales in the organic sector in 2008 are stated as 5.85 billion Euros compared with the…
At the fourth meeting of the organic sector of Latin America and the Caribbean (October 12-16, 2009)…
Business people, experts and newcomers to the organic market from Romania, but also Poland, Ukraine,…