Chinese imports of organic foods were about US$ 20 million in 2009, a limited amount compared with…
The Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) has—as one of the last in Eastern Europe—approved a new…
The Netherlands-based Agro Eco-Louis Bolk Institute has been contracted to set up a new organic…
According to a recent press release of OTA, the Organic Trade Organisation, the organic market…
According to the latest Soil Association Organic Market Report, Sales of organic products fell 5.9…
On March 30, 2011, the Swiss organic umbrella organisation Bio Suisse ( released…
The magazine Ecology & Farming, published by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture…
Recently the European Group of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements has…
Detailed data tables of the data published in "The World of Organic Agriculture 2011" are now…
The successful 5th Producer Conference of the Organic Research Centre Elm Farm was held on the 17th…
With its Implementation Action Plan, the Technology Platform for Organic Food and Farming Research,…
At the BioFach session "The European Market for Organic Food" experts presented the latest trends in…
The fourth yearbook on organic agriculture in the Czech Republic has now been published by the the…
In 2010, the organic agricultural land increased by 12 percent in the Czech Republic. More than ten…
According to the latest survey on organic agriculture worldwide (data 2009), the total grape area is…
At the BioFach Congress 2011 the latest figures on organic agriculture world-wide, on the global…
Organic agriculture is practised in 160 countries and 37.2 million hectares of agricultural land are…
ACTMedia News Agency, Feburary 20, 2012
Thirty-seven million hectares of agricultural land worldwide are farmed organically. The countries…
In preparation for the IFOAM General Assembly (GA) to be held from October 3-5, 2011 in Namyangju…
Recently the second edition of Organic Monitors 'European Market for Organic Food and Drink' was…
The Executive Council of the African Union (AU), at its Eighteenth Ordinary Session in January 2011,…
In three languages, the new activity report is a fascinating look at the most important projects…
A new report of the Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) of the United States Department…
Nineteen participants from the public and private sectors in 15 Asian countries/regions, as well as…