The congress proposed many opportunities for debates about the future of food and farming in the EU, organic action plans and the development of organic markets in new member states.
The congress "Organic Farming as Opportunity for European Agriculture" was organised by the EU Presidency (currently Hungary) in cooperation with the IFOAM EU Group (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, and Hungarian organic sector organisations. It took place on 31 May in Godollo (Hungary).
The participants draw several conclusions during the congress:
- Organic farming can be considered a an engine for rural economies in new member states.
- In the framework of the future CAP, organic farming is a precious element with a view to develop a sustainable agriculture.
- A consistent policy framework should accompany the development of organic farming.
- In the future food and farming can benefit of local supply chains where organic farming plays a key role. It was also established that organic farming is now ready to face new challenges that agriculture will have to overcome, in particular sustainability. Organic farming should be
protected against GMO contamination in order to stay a low input and sustainable farm system.
Source: Press release 3104th Council meeting Agriculture and Fisheries, Luxembourg, 28 June 2011