FiBL recently received the latest data about organic agriculture in Peru. These data were provided…
The First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research takes place May…
Organic Monitor has recently released the 3rd edition of the Global Organic Food & Drink market…
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), together with partners, is…
According to a recent government study the organic market in Spain is growing. Export plays a major…
On November 8, 2010 the National Organic Program (NOP, made available…
The Department of Agriculture of the Philippines said it will allocate an initial 900 million…
Ilse A. Rasmussen is new coordinator of Organic Eprints at ICROFS, the International Centre for…
ZIMVEST, a collection of news excerpts from the web related to Zimbabwe, reports about recent…
Organic policy is in the process of being developed in South Africa. The national movement, led by…
The First International Conference on Organic Beekeeping took place from August 27-29, 2010, in…
Organic Food is being purchased by a growing number of Irish shoppers every year, according to new…
During September of this year of international biodiversity, the 3rd International Conference on the…
The International expert workshop on 'Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - methods, models, and databases…
Canada’s organic sector receives 6.5 million Canadian Dollars for research in announcement of…
On September 21, 2010 the Network for Practical Research in Organic Farming (VÖP) was founded by…
For small and marginal farmers, a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) may be introduced in all…
The Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) recently launched its 2010-2014 Strategic Plan during a…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and the International Federation of Organic…
The latest National Statistics produced by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs…
In 2012, Zambia will host the second African Organic Conference. The conference will be organized by…
This new publication represents a unique collection of European and Asian perspectives on the…
From August 22 to 27, 2010, the 28th Congress of the International Society of Horticultural Sciences…
On July 12, 2010, the Technology Platform TP Organics held its Stakeholder Forum in Brussels,…
An updated report on the current status of organic farming in Germany has recently been published at…