On March 30, 2011, the Swiss organic umbrella organisation Bio Suisse (www.biosuisse.ch) released the latest figures on the development of the organic sector in the country.
Again the number of producers and the organic area decreased slightly. The market however continued to grow, by six percent.
The organic area is about 119'000 hectares or 10.8 percent of the agricultural land.* The number of producers is 5900 or 11 percent of all producers (data 2010). In 2011, however, more producers than in previous years registered with BioSuisse for organic certification.
Most of the market growth was noted for the discounters (+15 percent), but currently their market share is only 2.8 percent of the total organic market. Coop continues to hold half of the organic market (49.8 percent, 4.7 percent growth, followed by Migros (24 percent share of the total market, 14 percent growth).
Further information is available via the Bio Suisse press release (German and English).
Further information
- BioSuisse.ch: Positive Trendwende für den Biolandbau
- BioSuisse.ch: Graphs
- BioSuisse.ch: All documents related to the press conference of March 30, 2011
- swissinfo.ch: Schweizer Bio-Markt wächst, dank Importen
Editor's note
The figures released by Bio Suisse differ slightly from those published by FiBL in the frame of the survey on organic agriculture worldwide. This is partly due to the fact that FiBL does not count the alpine pastures as agricultural land.