The European action plan for organic food and farming recommends, in action 11, establishing an…
The first African Organic Conference “Fast tracking sustainable development in Africa through…
The unit in charge of organic agriculture at Costa Rica's Ministry of Agriculture AROA has recently…
More than 200 participants participated at the African Organic Conference in May 2009, which focused…
Findings from the 2009 U.S. Families’ Organic Attitudes and Beliefs Study, show that three in ten…
The economic slowdown is impacting global organic food sales. After reporting high growth rates for…
Sales of organic food in France jumped 25 percent last year and more than 60 percent in three years…
Since the late 1990s, U.S. organic production has more than doubled, but the consumer market has…
At a recent meeting, the Ministers for Agriculture of the European Union agreed on a common…
On May 11, 2009, Queen Rania of Jordan launched the National Programme for Organic Farming…
At the 21st meeting of the FAO Committee on Agriculture, held April 22-25, 2009 in Rome, a…
The European Union Group of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, the…
Uganda earned over 22 million US Dollars in 2008 from organic products exports. The country has over…
Over three thousand participants have chosen a Brazilian organic logo. Three designs were presented…
From May 19- 22, 2009, the African Organic Conference, titled 'Fast tracking sustainable development…
From April 8-12, 2009, the National Federation for Organic Agriculture of Senegal FENAB organized,…
On May 5, 2009, US Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan announced 50 million US Dollars…
Sales of organic products in the USA, both food and non-food, reached 24.6 billion US Dollars by…
For Spain a major growth of organic land is reported for 2008. According to the Spanish Ministry of…
The European Union (EU) is looking for a new logo for organic products. Young artists or designers…
The recently published study 'Organic Aquaculture 2009 – Production and Markets' looks back at the…
In Argentina the organic agricultural land increased by 36 percent in 2008, and it is now more than…
Recently in Hungary a Technology Platform for organic farming was founded. The inaugural meeting…
Biologica, the organic sector organisation in The Netherlands, recently presented the figures for…
In Denmark the organically managed land went up by 10 percent during 2008. Currently more than…