Italy's organic market continues to grow. In 2008, the Italians spent 5.4 percent more on organic…
In order to strengthen the African organic network and ensure its sustainability, IFOAM is…
The recently published leaflet 'EU environment related indicators 2009' presents 10…
The BioFach Newsletter reports in its latest edition, that an organic cotton project was started in…
The turnover with organic food in the Czech Republic grew by 40 percent in 2008 and reached 1.8…
Global retail sales of organic cotton apparel and home textile products reached an estimated $3.2…
The 2009 market report for the UK has now been released by the Soil Association, showing that UK…
The Integrated Project 'Improving quality and safety and reduction of costs in the European organic…
In Austria, the turnover with organic food increased by more than six percent in 2008, according to…
The first BioFach India now takes place together with IOTF, the India Organic Trade Fair, in the…
On March 24, 2009, the Swiss organic umbrella organisation Bio Suisse presented the latest figures…
For the second time at Biofach all the 35 African stands were grouped together under “Organic…
After a three-month worldwide search and review of dozens of qualified applicants, the International…
India is bestowed with lot of potential to produce all varieties of organic products due to its…
African agricultural productivity, under threat following years of declining investment, policy…
According to the BioFach Newsletter of March 6, 2009, of the 1.1 million hectares of agricultural…
The German Central Market and Price Reporting Bureau (ZMP) has compiled a number of graphs on…
At BioFach 2009 several sessions related to organic agriculture and the organic market in Europe and…
The tables as presented in 'The World of Organic Agriculture 2009' and additional data are now…
According to a new USDA GAIN Report released February 2009, the organic market in China has been…
According to the German Federation of the Organic Food Industry BOELW, the organic area increased to…
Organic agriculture is developing rapidly, and statistical information is now available from 141…
On February 19, 2009, the IFOAM EU Group launched its dossier on the new organic regulation. The…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International Federation of Organic…
The 10th edition of 'The World of Organic Agriculture' documents recent developments in global…