In 2008 the organic land has increased by 330'000 hectares or 33 percent. It should be noted though, that of the 1.3 million hectares, 187'908 hectares are wild collection and forest areas. The organic agricultural land is approximately 1.1 million hectares.
This means that Spain is the country with the most organic land in Europe now, followed by Italy.
The number of producers increased by 17 percent and is now 21'291, there are 23'400 operators. More than half of the land is fully converted.
About 50 percent of the organic land is grassland; arable land constitutes 19 percent and permanent crops 16 percent of the organic land.
The region of Andulsia has almost 800'000 hectares of organic land - more than half of the country's organic area.
- Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (2009): Organic Farming Statistics 2008
- Ecoalimenta, April 28, 2009: España se sitúa a la cabeza de Europa en superficie dedicada a la agricultura ecológica
Further information
- Organic World.Net: Country information Spain
- Organic Europe.Net: Country Report Organic Agriculture in Spain 2007 by Victor Gonzalves of the Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture SEAE.