The World of organic Agriculture 2014: Translations

Like the 2012 and 2013 editions of "The World of Organic Agriculture", also the 2014 edition has translated into Chinese, thanks to the initiative and support of the compmay Organic and Beyond.
As a leading company in organic agriculture of China, Organic and Beyond Corporation (OABC, has done some work to help Chinese operators get information from abroad. The company has translated "The World of Organic Agriculture" into Chinese to make available up-to-date data to people who are interested in organic sector. The Chinese versions are translated by the Organic Agricultural Technology Center of OABC, funded by Organic and Beyond Fund. The company wishes to express its sincere gratitude to Zejiang Zhou (the Vice President of IFOAM Asia) for his valuable work.
- Chinese edition of "The World of Organic Agriculture 2014"