Revisions of the data from 2006 (published in the 2008 edition)
For some countries the data provided in the 2006 edition of 'The World of Organic Agriculture have been revised or updated. Some of the major revisions are listed here.
The 2006 figure (published in the 2008 edition of The World of Organic Agriculture') has been revised by the authority in charge. The revised figure is 12.34 million hectares. A graph with the development on organic farming in Australia back to 2001 can be found at the in the 2009 edition of 'The World of Organic Agriculture' and in the collection of graphs at this site.
The 2006 figure on the land under organic management for Argentina (published in the 2008 edition of The World of Organic Agriculture') has been revised: In the publication, only the organic cropland (arable land and permanent crops) and the grassland had been considered. The other agricultural land, such as fallow land as part of the crop rotation, had not been included. The figure for the wild collection area has also been revised. The correct figure for 2006 is 2'358'376 hectares of agricultural land and 538’110 hectares of wild collection areas.

Before the survey conducted 2008 (data per 31.12.2006), for Ethiopia, the data of only one certifier had been available. For the 2009 edition of ‘The World of Organic Agriculture’ data of several certifiers were included, thus the picture is more complete now.
It was also possible to adjust the 2006 data and, according to the certifier data received, there were 112'601 hectares of organically managed land in 2006.
Greece: Share of total agricultural land
In order to calculate the organic percentage, data for total agriculture in Greece were taken from FAOSTAT. The FAOSTAT figures include the common grazing areas, which are also included in the figure for organic agriculture. The Eurostat data on agriculture in Greece do not include the common grazing areas and are hence not used for the calucation of the share of the organic land area. Due to the insecurity related to this issue, the organic share has not been communicated consistently in the various issues of 'The World of Organic Agriculture'. A graph with the shares based on the FAOSTAT totals is below.
FAOSTAT > Resources > Resourcestat > Land
Eurostat: Agricultural Statistics - Main results - 2006-2007
The data published in the 2008 edition of ‘The World of Organic Agriculture’ were provisional. The data have now been adjusted by the authority in charge, APEDA.
The figure for the year 2006/2007 is 432'259 hectares of land under organic management (including in-conversion land).
Some adjustments of the 2006 data have been communicated by the Kenyan Organic Movement KOAN. In 2006, the agricultural land area was 2'898 hectares and the organic wild collection area 72'872 hectares.
At the time of publication of the 2008 edition, the 2006 data for Latvia were not available. In the meantime they have been made available by the authority in charge. 150'016 hectares were under organic management in Latvia per 31.12.2006.
The data published in the 2008 edition of ‘The World of Organic Agriculture’ had been provisional data for 2007. In the meantime, these data have been adjusted. To document the status of 2006, the 2005 data are used (no survey was done in Mexico in 2006).
(January 26, 2010) For Spain, the authority in charge, the Ministry of Agriculture, has confirmed that some of the land under organic certification are wild collection areas. In the table below the distinction between between agricultural land and wild collection is made.
- Table on the development of the organic area in Spain.
The figure reported for Uganda in the 2008 edition of ‘The World of Organic Agriculture’ was too low and has now been corrected. There were 246'767 hectares of organic agricultural land and 158'328 hectares of organic wild collection areas.
In the 2008 edition of ‘The World of Organic Agriculture’ the figure communicated fopr 2006 was too high. The correct figure for 2006 is 242'034 hectares.
(April 12, 2010) The consolidated data for organic farming in the United States, years 2006-2008, were published early March 2010. The data published in the editions 2008-2010 of The World of Organic Agriculture therefore needed to be updated or revised.
More information
- U.S.: Organic data for 2006 to 2008 released by the Economic Research Service